Thursday, May 22, 2008

Meet Boston!

Little Boston is about to turn one and I was able to photograph him while visiting his aunt, my best friend, in Dallas, Texas. He was such a hoot because he stayed so solemn almost the entire time--not because this is his normal demeanor (he's usually all smiles) but because he was so deep in thought and observation. He just wanted to take it all in--absorb everything. I love capturing those emotions in children. We often forget how amazing life must be for them--everything is new and uncolored by past experiences. I know we all want the smiles and huge grins, but remember, it is important to capture all of depth and emotions of your little one. Don't make me give my "fantasy child" lecture again--lol.

Boston is very lucky to have such a wonderful family! Happy Birthday darling! I hope you like your "sneak peek" Karlee!


Karlee said...

AWW! I LOVE how they are turning out! I'm SOO excited! Thank you SO much for doing this! I can't wait to get them! I'll email you my address so you can send the cd in the mail when you're finished...NO RUSH!